
Last updated: Apr 2024

All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.


The fonts used on this website, namely Playfair Display, Cutive and Manrope, are provided by Google Fonts and are subject to the following terms:

🔗 Playfair Display

Space Grotesk is licensed under the Open Font License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute Space Grotesk for personal and commercial purposes.

🔗 Cutive Mono

Cutive Mono is licensed under Google Fonts License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute Manrope for personal and commercial purposes.

🔗 Manrope

Manrope is licensed under the Open Font License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute Manrope for personal and commercial purposes.


Please note that while these fonts are free to use, you must comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses, as linked above. You may need to provide attribution or adhere to other requirements as specified in the license agreements.

Icons & Logos

All icons used on this website are sourced from the Material Icon Library by Google and are provided free of charge for your use.

🔗 Material Icon Library

The icons sourced from the Material Icon Library remain the property of Google. You may not claim ownership of these icons or redistribute them as standalone assets.

Usage Rights:

You are granted the right to use, modify, and reproduce these icons for personal and commercial purposes without the need for attribution.


You may use these icons in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Material Icons License provided by Google.


All images used on this website template have been generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and are the exclusive property of emicorneau


emicorneau retains full ownership and copyright of all AI-generated images. You may not claim ownership of these images or redistribute them as standalone assets.

Usage Rights:

You are granted the right to use, modify, and reproduce these AI-generated images for personal and commercial purposes without the need for attribution.


While you have the right to use these images, you may not use them in any way that is illegal, defamatory, or harmful to others. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

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